Start your healing journey now!

“Blake’s CranioSacral Therapy has helped people to feel alive, grounded, and at peace. He has provided so much pain relief and deep healing for a range from complicated medical conditions all the way to simple back and neck pain. It is profoundly relaxing. Truly the “cutting edge” of science-based healthcare that honors and respects each client, with focused attention, one person at a time.”

Live a pain free and full life!

Blake Schicker offers leading-edge manual therapy techniques, Craniosacral Therapy, and CSE® home exercises to provide lasting pain relief AND resolve the root cause of your problem.

He specializes in groundbreaking techniques that retrain your nervous system, relieve pain, and enable you to redefine your body’s ability to Live Fully Now!

Get Your Free 15 Min Consultation Today


Chronic pain,



Your body has an amazing capacity to regulate and heal itself. This fact is at the core of our holistic approach to healing. Unlike standard treatments, our specialized techniques not only work to fix your problem, but “turn up” the power your body has to self-heal. That’s one reason why clients recover faster and more fully!

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A note from Blake :

I know your pain.

I’ve had chronic neck and back pain, fractured skull and spine, broken bones, whiplash…

I thought I’d be in pain forever. I was told my back pain would become unbearable, I would end up in a wheelchair, back surgery was unavoidable.

They were wrong. ( And more than once! )

Today I have NO chronic pain. And my passion is to help others get the same.

Let’s start your healing journey today. Call me for a free 15 minute phone or zoom consultation. Together we’ll discuss your situation. I can answer your specific questions. Then you can decide for yourself what’s your next best step!